The Heart of Home
In today’s current enthusiasm to stay healthy, I am reminded of the importance of our kitchen, The Heart of Our Homes. It is important to remember, the kitchen is the heart, and health of your home. It is the second most important room in your house, as its purpose is to help nourish your mind, […]
The Spirit of Home
The holidays are a good time for all to honor home, and to check the personal paradise which we have designed. The home, which we have created as sacred space, here on earth. Home is my safe haven, a place which provides a sense comfort, safety, and love. A place where we live with our […]
Avoid holiday stress with simplicity and balance!
The key to success, during this holiday season, is a sensible display of the ornaments. Going overboard with holiday decorations can create too much visual stimulation, especially for young children and senior citizens. Too many items, in a small space, tire the eye, and overload the brain, which can deplete your energy. Also, the high […]
Distant Learning Conscious Languaging Program
Languaging Your Personal Chi Words shape our consciousness. Our language and our feelings directly influence our health, wealth, success, unity and our abilities of understanding. This class will alert you to the use of your every day words and how they are affecting your reality. Your relationship with words will be completely transformed in a […]
How Feng Shui Design Influences The Feel and Energy of Your Space
“ I don’t know what to do with my living space”, was the cry I heard on the other end of the phone. What to do with a large, awkward shaped room? This project had an unusual floor plan. As you entered through the month of chi, life’s journey/career, indicated by pictures 1 &2. the […]
Feng Shui Design Influences the Feel and Energy of Living Spaces
Feng Shui Design Influences the Feel and Energy of Living Spaces Mary Dennis invites you to view her Portfolio, featuring pictures of a project and explaining some ways Feng Shui Design influences the feel and energy of the space. “I don’t know what to do with my living space”, was the cry I heard on […]
Karen MannStudent